Friday, September 18, 2015

Tom Hardy Explained Why He Shut Down That Reporter Who Asked About His Sexuality

Never stop, Tom.

So remember how Tom Hardy totally SHUT DOWN that reporter who tried to question him about his sexuality?

If you don't, here's a brief rundown. During a press conference for his new film, Legend, a reporter asked Tom Hardy about his "ambiguous" sexuality. Tom was basically like, "WHAT'S GOOD?"

That really, really annoyed me. It was just the inelegance of being asked in a room full of people. […] Now I'm happy to have a conversation, a discussion, at a reasonable time about anything. I'm confident in my own sexuality, and I'm also confident in my own being and talking about any issue you want to talk about it. But there is a time and a place for that.

I found it very humiliating for somebody to decide that on his dime and his time, to openly and inelegantly pursue a line of questioning which I could only sense at the moment — which was quite awkward — that it was zeroing in on a reaction from me that would become a topic of discussion that had nothing to do really, really to do with what was there.




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