Thursday, September 17, 2015

How Well Do Robert De Niro And Anne Hathaway Know Each Other?

The thought of having seniors intern at a fast-paced fashion internet startup run by a staff of 20 and 30-somethings might sound slightly insane, but that's exactly what happens in the new heartwarming comedy The Intern. Anne Hathaway stars as Jules, the founder of an online fashion site (which brings back some Devil Wears Prada feels) who forms an unexpected bond with Ben, her new 70-year-old intern played by Robert De Niro. By the end of the film you'll laugh, cry, and become infinitely more obsessed with both of the Oscar-award-winning stars.

When we got the chance to sit down with Anne and Robert, we put them to the test to see how well they really know each other. As you can probably guess, it was pretty damn hilarious.

What was the first thing Anne thought when seeing Robert on set the first day?


Anne wrote "My mind went blank." Robert wrote "Who is this guy?!?"

What was the first thing Robert thought when seeing Anne on set the first day?


Anne wrote "Complaining about something incessantly." Robert wrote "VERRY TEMPERMENTALLLL!!!!"

What is Robert’s favorite Anne Hathaway movie?


Anne Hathaway: You don't know any of my movies. This is so awkward.

Robert De Niro: What's the one you told me about?

AH: [Writes down a new answer.] I decided to change my mind.

Anne wrote "Ella Enchanted. (Duh.)" Robert wrote "INTERN!!"

What is Anne’s favorite Robert De Niro movie?


Anne wrote "Analyze This or Taxi. Or The Intern or The Godfather II. Or Raging Bull or Deer Hunter." Robert wrote "Cape Fear???"


AH: [Laughs] That's the only one I haven't put on!

What is Robert most likely doing when he's on set in between scenes?


Anne wrote "Texting or emailing or on the phone." Robert wrote "Sitting and reading until have to shoot!"

What’s Anne’s favorite thing to snack on at craft services?


Anne wrote "Pretzels that I stole from Bob." Robert wrote "Cheese Wiz??"

What would Robert say is the craziest thing that happened while filming The Intern?


Anne wrote "We wrapped." Robert wrote "Singing!!"


RDN: Oh yeah, right!

Who is most likely to start their own company?


Anne wrote "Bob -->" Robert wrote "I would I guess! At least now."

Yes, you guys got this one!

AH: We're 1 for 80.

What type of job would Anne have wanted to intern for?


Anne wrote "CERN." Robert wrote "Fashion."

AH: CERN, it's where they have the Hadron Collider.

RDN: In Switzerland.

What type of job would Robert have wanted to intern for?


Anne wrote "Cage fighting." Robert wrote "Astrophysicist."

RDN: Oh, yeah! That's another interesting one.

What would Anne’s high school superlative be?


Anne wrote "Be annoying/Be in choir." Robert wrote "Most Well Liked!"

AH: Aww! That's so nice! Yours is so nice!

What would Robert's high school superlative be?


Anne wrote " Be a LEGEND who is also a straight up wonderful guy." Robert wrote "Try to be the best at what I try to do!"

RDN: Oh, thank you.

AH: You're okay. Don't let it go to your head.

What is Robert's favorite borough in New York City?


Anne wrote "All of them." Robert wrote "What do you think?"

RDN: Yeah! That's a good answer.

The Intern is in theaters everywhere Friday, September 25!

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