Wednesday, September 16, 2015

19 Times Amy Poehler Was Hilarious, Feminist, And Perfect

It’s Amy Poehler’s birthday today. This is why she’s perfect.

When she gave the perfect response to an interviewer who complained about men feeling the need to be "cool" and "adorkable" at the same time.

When she gave the perfect response to an interviewer who complained about men feeling the need to be "cool" and "adorkable" at the same time.

Amy: "Well, this feeling that you're having right now, which is like, 'I'm supposed to be all things,' is a feeling that women have every day and their whole lives."


All the times she gave the best advice to teenage girls.

Amy: "The earlier you learn that you should focus on what you have and not obsess about what you don't have, the happier you will be."

When she dropped some fucking TRUTH about feminism and the media.

Amy: "Sometimes when people don't identify themselves as feminists it's like saying, 'I like cars, I think they're great, I use one every day, it gets me from place to place but I'm not gonna go on record and say that cars are good. But that being said, this discussion about who is and isn't a feminist is yet another example of media trying to bite us, to take us and split us apart and argue among each other. I think we need to continue as women to celebrate what we have in common and share and stop letting society focus on how we're different."

When she shut down the idea that as a "Catholic girl" she shouldn't be "dirty."

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