Sunday, September 20, 2015

11 Questions Every "Doctor Who" Fan Has, Answered By Steven Moffat

Also Steven Moffat’s Matt Smith impression is 100.

Did the beautiful stuttering love of Donna’s life Lee ("Forest of the Dead") ever come find her again? Especially considering that time travel is known to exist in the 51st century?

Did the beautiful stuttering love of Donna’s life Lee ("Forest of the Dead") ever come find her again? Especially considering that time travel is known to exist in the 51st century?

SM: So technically Lee could go and find Donna again — it hadn’t occurred to me... But the sad thing is he’d come stuttering through the door and she’d say, “Who the hell are you?” Cause her memory’s been wiped so she wouldn’t know and it’d be a wasted trip.

David Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

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