Thursday, February 4, 2016

How Smash Mouth Inspired Me To Achieve Greatness

Everyone has to face their demons, especially when those demons are Smash Mouth.

Andrea Hickey / BuzzFeed

I remember very clearly sitting on my bed, on a hot August day, furiously scribbling this declaration in gold gel pen. I was angry and determined. And before I tell you what I wrote, you should know that I was never sarcastic or jokey in my diary. I wrote only my very earnest feelings. Sometimes when I think about high school I wonder if maybe I was cooler and more popular than I remember. But this diary entry alone confirms it: No, I wasn't.

The entry reads:


I was just pondering the song "All Star" by Smash Mouth. There's a line that goes, "Only shooting stars break the mold." I want to be a shooting star and show everybody I can play golf!

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